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Adjusting the Bar: The Science of Standard Setting

Categories: Webinars

Professional entry-to-practice examinations serve an important gatekeeping and public-protection role in our society. The outcome of such an exam can be life-changing, both for the candidates who take the exam and for the people who will ultimately be served by those candidates (e.g., a nursing candidate and their future patients). In this webinar, Dr. Scott Cassidy will take us “behind the scenes” and explore the science and statistics of examination standard setting.

Challenging Personas: User Experience Design in a Complicated World

Categories: Webinars

Online testing is more convenient for test-takers than traditional brick-and-mortar testing methods. For individuals with disabilities, however, an inflexible online testing interface can create seemingly insurmountable challenges. During this webinar, Meazure Learning’s Lead User Experience Architect Evan Travers will share the accessibility barriers he’s problem solved throughout his career to create a seamless and convenient testing experience for every test-taker.

The REAL Cost of Cheating for Organizations

Categories: Webinars

What is the true cost to your organization when faced with cheating or content exposure? With the surge in online exam delivery due to COVID-19, it’s important to understand the value of your intellectual property and the risk posed when integrity is compromised. Join Dr. Ashley Norris as to discuss various examples and studies related to online exams, cheating and the repercussions of an exam security breach.Ashley Norris, PhD, Chief Compliance Officer at Meazure Learning 
Ashley has spent the past 15 years in higher education as both a faculty member and administrator across major institutions, such as the University of Alabama, and has led thought leadership on ethics and integrity in education, continuing to spearhead those efforts for Meazure Learning’s key initiatives on academic integrity. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Assessment

Categories: Blog Articles

What is AI? Dr. Greg Sadesky discusses the applications of AI that are most relevant for assessment. It sounds so futuristic… artificial intelligence and assessment! Maybe it’s just that much of current assessment practice involves theory developed in the early 1900’s (classical test theory) or the 1960’s (item response theory), the idea that assessment might […]