PASS Exam Delivery
Deliver exams with confidence.
Unlock the trifecta of tech benefits with our reliable, secure, and user-friendly internet-based testing platform.

All-in-One Exam Scheduling and Delivery

Administer exams online or at a test center.
The PASS Exam Delivery System is built to work flawlessly whether your exams are delivered online with secure remote proctoring or in person at one of our test centers.
Enable your whole team with integrated tools.
PASS is fully integrated with our Agile Design Environment (ADE), Connect Candidate Management System, and ProctorU Proctoring Platform. Together, they form a single internet-based solution that checks all your boxes.

Configure the registration process to match your program’s needs.
The test-taker scheduling system is highly configurable to meet your eligibility requirements, registration rules, scheduling options, and exam windows.
Customize your test-taker communications.
The PASS Exam Delivery System automates email correspondence for you, including the notice to schedule, remote proctoring confirmations, and test center confirmation emails. Better yet, you can include exam-specific language to help prepare your test-takers.
Specify exam rules and proctor workflows.
We know that every exam is unique, so we built PASS to administer exams according to your program’s specific rules. For added security, proctors will only see the policies associated with the exam being delivered. And you can control whether test-takers have access to a digital notepad, a standard or scientific calculator, and score reports during their exam session – all built directly into PASS.

Benefit from the advantages of secure internet-based delivery.
PASS is a secure internet-based testing (IBT) system. As such, it has multiple advantages over a computer-based testing (CBT) system that does not run exclusively through an internet connection. Here are just a few:
- No content is downloaded to the delivery computer, limiting the risk of item exposure.
- No exam packages need to be prepared and downloaded in advance, making delivery more efficient.
- Exam responses are immediately uploaded.
- Exams are delivered at high speed to an infinite number of remote test-takers or in-person test sites located anywhere in the world.
- There are minimal hardware requirements.

Rest assured your exam is secure.
In addition to the benefits of being an IBT system, PASS is fortified by multiple layers of security. Here are some of the system features designed to keep your content safe:
- Proctors and test-takers can only access information related to the specific exam being delivered.
- No exam content is visible on screen when test-takers take a break.
- Notes and calculator history aren’t saved in the system – ever.
- Only one test item is presented at a time throughout the testing process.
- Exam data is delivered via secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology.

Give test-takers a user-friendly experience.
The exam interface is a cinch to use, with intuitive navigation controls and standard exam driver features. Test-takers have the ability to display or hide the exam timer, easy access to a built-in notepad or calculator if permitted, and the option to mark items, return to previously answered items, go to specific items, and review answers before submitting the test for scoring.
Prepare test-takers with an on-demand help guide.
Users can familiarize themselves with the system and its interface through a series of example screens that display and explain all the functionalities available in PASS.
Key Benefits of All Service Lines

User-Friendly & Intuitive


Highly Configurable Scheduling and Exam Rules