Test Administration & Delivery
Find freedom and flexibility for your program.
If you have an exam to deliver, why not choose the delivery method that’s right for you and your test-takers? We provide remote delivery, test center delivery, hybrid delivery, and event-based delivery – all combining human and advanced security measures to transform the way you test.

Security, Flexibility, and Reach – Regardless of Modality

Online delivery with secure remote proctoring offered anywhere, at any time

In-person test center delivery of internet-based testing or paper-and-pencil testing

A hybrid, multi-modal delivery solution tailored to your exam and test-taker needs

An event-based delivery solution to certify test-takers en masse, wherever they’re congregated

Manage your test-takers with ease.
Gain support from a dedicated account or program manager who works with you to manage test-taker registration and communication. We help your test-takers with testing availability, registration, and scheduling while responding directly to any questions or concerns they may have.
Specify your exam day rules.
Create a fair test-taking experience by equipping our proctor and support staff with your program’s unique documentation. From exam start procedures to test-taker rules and security measures, you have the power to set your test-takers up for success.
Exceed industry standards.
Our test administration and delivery procedures and processes meet or exceed the rigorous standards of NCCA, ANSI/ANAB, ISO 17024, Ofqual, Standards Council of Canada, and other regulatory bodies. Our test administration and security experts are recognized as authorities in the industry, we empower and educate our clients on best practices for test delivery and security.

Transition with ease.
If you’re moving from a different provider, changing exam drivers, or transitioning exam delivery modalities, you can breathe a sigh of relief. We’ve got your back. Our team supports you every step of the way – from early decisions to migration and quality control.
Get help when you need it most.
Need assistance? No problem. You can call our exam administration or support teams to answer any questions you may have.

Trust our experience.
From our trained and certified proctors to our team of exam administrators, you can trust that we have the resources and experience you need to offer a seamless testing experience. Our experienced staff is ready to assist you and your candidates with a full range of administrative services, including:
- Project management and implementation
- Eligibility review and application processing
- Registration, scheduling, and verification
- Re-certification application processing and continuing education verification
- Candidate and data management
- Special accommodations
- Scoring with tailored score reports and certificates
- Hand scoring and diagnostic score reports
- Post-test candidate support and fulfillment
- Proctor training programs
“We were very comfortable in our brick-and-mortar testing center approach. [But] the pandemic necessitated remote proctoring for our organization. It’s something that’s enabled us to maintain business continuity throughout the pandemic.”
Which delivery method is right for you?
When it comes to delivering a computer-based exam, there are several modalities to choose from, including in-person testing at a test center, in-person testing at an event-based setting, and remote testing paired with online proctoring. This article poses 4 primary considerations that can help you make the right choice for your exams.

Key Benefits of All Methods

Equitable Test-Taking Experience

Transparent Documentation

Human Review and Validation at Every Stage
Choose what’s right for you.
Explore how we can better serve you.