A Fresh, New Perspective: Transparency in the Psychometric Approach
Allow us to introduce you to the Assessment Life Cycle, an illustration coined by Meazure Learning psychometricians to help simplify and visualize the typical stages of test development. This process is cyclical, not linear. Through this seven-stage method, we demystify the testing process so you can be confident in your exam results, whether you’re a seasoned psychometrician or new to the testing world.

Stage 1: Content Definition and Test Blueprinting
We start by getting to know your testing program and your goals. This lays the foundation for the test blueprint and all the following stages of the Assessment Life Cycle. This first and vital step in test development ensures your exam is valid, fair, and defensible.
Our specialized services include:
- Competency profiling and job task analysis
- Surveys and consultation
- Developing test specifications/blueprints
For more, download a white paper that goes into detail about Stage 1 of the Assessment Life Cycle.
Stage 2: Item Development
Our team of psychometricians will coach you through the item writing, analysis, editing, and review process so you can fill your item bank with questions that have been vetted and tested before being used in your exam.
Our specialized services include:
- Item analysis review for existing exams
- Item writing workshops and guides
- Professional item development
- Item development project management
- Item translation services

Stage 3: Exam Assembly
The puzzle pieces have been created, so now it’s time to put them together. Our team will help you create exam forms that fit all necessary specifications. Looking for an automated solution? We can do that, too, with the Meazure Exam Platform.
Our specialized services include:
- Automated test assembly (ATA)
- Facilitation of the examination validation process
- Practice test development
Stage 4: Test Administration
It’s imperative that your high-stakes exam is administered in a way that securely and consistently handles highly sensitive information. Our exam administration team handles everything from test-taker management, test center and proctor management, online administration with online proctoring, and more. Flexibility and customization to meet your program needs is key in this stage.
Our specialized services include:
- Paper-to-computer transition
- Collusion detection
- Test center network
- Remote proctoring services
- Meeting accreditation standards

Stage 5: Item and Test Analysis
Our team of psychometricians will review the results of your exam to ensure that both the overall exam and each item work as they should. Based on our findings, we will consult with you to determine whether to keep, revise, or remove questions for future tests.
Our specialized services include:
- Classical Test Theory (CTT) item analysis
- Item Response Theory (IRT) item analysis
- Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis
Stage 6: Scoring and Reporting
Scoring can be automated through our software, but our psychometricians will work with you to develop a scoring plan to ensure accuracy and efficiency for high-stakes exams. The reporting of these results is highly customized for each partner to break down and report detailed information.
Our specialized services include:
- Redundant scoring using different forms of software to ensure accurate calculations
- Statistical equating between examination forms
- Customized test-taker, school, and national results reporting

Stage 7: Standard Setting
Pass or fail? That is a critical decision that can affect the lives of the people your test-taker is going to serve. We work with you to set a cut score that is informed by the knowledge and skills that your examination is meant to assess.
Our specialized services include:
- Consultation and training on various standard-setting methods (e.g., Angoff, Ebel, Bookmark, Borderline)
- Facilitation of standard-setting sessions with subject matter experts