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Before We Watch, We Listen

Categories: Blog Articles

Before we ever proctor an institution’s exam, we listen to their people. We listen to what is needed to maintain full academic integrity. We ensure their exact specifications are understood and trained to our proctors clearly. We make sure their exams and information will be 100 percent secure. Before the exam begins, we review the […]

We Wrote the Book on Proctoring – Then We Re-Wrote It

Categories: Blog Articles

Education is the great equalizer. People, no matter their circumstances, can better themselves and their lives when equipped with the right knowledge and skills to do so. One of higher education’s most noble pursuits is making knowledge accessible to all. However, recent economic trends have led to skyrocketing tuition costs* and increased criticisms of academic […]

Exposing Financial Aid Fraud with Online Proctoring

Categories: Blog Articles

Imagine all the things your institution is doing to fight the high cost of higher education. Are you facing increased pressure to find efficiencies, reduce lab, book, and other classroom costs? Are you being challenged to rethink things that effect the way you teach? As you and your administration work so hard to save a few […]

We Proctor Like Lives Depend on It – Because Sometimes They Do

Categories: Blog Articles

In the 60’s, one man conned his way into becoming a Pan American pilot, a teaching assistant at BYU, a physician in Georgia, and a Harvard Law graduate working as an attorney in Louisiana – all in the course of only seven years. This incredible con man, Frank Abagnale Jr., was able to forge and […]

Essay Mills: 4 Cautionary Tales

Categories: Blog Articles

The pressure of academic deadlines is something that every student faces during their college career. The stress can be so intense that some turn to using essay mills. Essay mills are, unfortunately, legal companies who write essays for students in exchange for a fee, usually based on essay length and due date. Doing a quick […]

ProctorU Spotlight: Bell Woods

Categories: Blog Articles

Today in our ProctorU Spotlight is Bell Woods! Hello Bell! What is your title? B: I was initially hired as an executive assistant to manage conference participation including travel and lodging for the partnership team. For a couple of years, I was also the contract coordinator and I currently serve as conference coordinator on the marketing […]

How to Rock Finals Week

Categories: Blog Articles

It’s that time of year again: a time of pulling all-nighters; living on energy drinks, coffee and junk food; and of reviewing everything from an entire semester in a few days of studying. Finals week is here. We get it. Finals are hard, but they are important, and let your professors and you see how […]

National Distance Learning Week 2017

Categories: Blog Articles

National Distance Learning Week 2017 is here! Distance learning is ever growing and increasingly important in today’s scholastic environment. Educational opportunities are becoming available across the world as technology becomes more advanced and more accessible. According to The Changing Landscape of Online Education (CHLOE) 2017 report, there has been a 19 percent increase since 2011 […]

Online Students’ Online Testing Options

Categories: Blog Articles

Should students take online courses? Does online learning help students? There are many benefits to online learning, and people continue to further prove the value of and need for it. An increasing number of students are taking the online education route, as shown by recent reports. Even while overall enrollment in higher education decreases, enrollment levels […]

ProctorU Spotlight: Stephanie Dille

Categories: Blog Articles

Today in our ProctorU Spotlight is Chief Marketing Officer Stephanie Dille! Stephanie came aboard ProctorU in the spring of this year. Hi Stephanie! What is your title?  S: Chief Marketing Officer. Where did you grow up? S: I was born in Ohio but have spent most of my life in Minnesota. Where did you attend […]

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